Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hurry up and wait

Day 2- still waiting, still haven't heard a thing...

Ok so I've decided if I haven't heard from Farmer Man by this weekend I'm going to go talk to him while he's harvesting.  I deserve answers and this isn't fair.

I know, I know. Chances are if he hasn't responded yet, chances are he doesn't want to get back together and he's avoiding the conversation. BUT  I just can't let him go yet. I need to know. A good friend of mine talked to him and his best friend a month (ish) ago.  Basically what she told me was, things went too fast before (true), he's never been in a relationship longer than ours (6 months), he's not quite sure how to be in a relationship but if he can lead things at his pace he'd try again.... And I realized last night, I never told him I understand all those points. But most importantly I didn't tell him that I'm game for that! (Granted that's because he never came to talk and didn't answer his phone). 
So.... yes, go talk to him this weekend OR no, wait it out?

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