I'm sitting here wrapped up in a blankets with the sniffles and a cough (oh thank you lovely children I teach every day for sharing your cold germs with me, it's the best Christmas present ever!). However, my mind is wandering forward to New Year's Eve.
What to do, what to do? I have a babysitter set aside for Izzy (even though I have no clue what I'm actually going to be doing). I realized the other day that I haven't actually gone out on New Year's Eve in about 5 years. Yeah, it's been WAY too long. I think this is the year to end that horrible trend. But now I have to figure out what in the world to do.
There's the old stand by of find out what my sister and her now- fiance are doing (but I always end up feeling like a 3rd wheel and her fiance can be a jerk). I could stay home (really don't like this option). OR there's another option I'm toying with. There's Matt. He and I have been friends for about a year. For about the last 6 months we've gotten really close. We've been texting every night and occasionally a phone call just for the heck of it. We've never gone out together but there have been some indications that maybe he's leaning that way. I'm working on staying neutral until I know for sure. Let me try to fill you in a bit.
So, ever since this summer he's said he doesn't want anything more than to be friends. Which is fine I can deal with that (I think). BUT there was once early in the fall when he texted me one weekend when I was away that he "missed me and wished I was with him". HMMM interesting.
We quit chatting as much for a month or so when he was interested in another woman and I was attempting to work things out with an ex of mine. Well about a month ago things fell through for both of us. We've resumed our friendship as it was before.
Fast forward to this weekend. He's out with some friends on a "Ugly Sweater Bus Tour" (aka, lets put ugly Christmas sweaters on and rent a bus to drive us to the different bars around). He texts me that he should have invited me out because we would have had a good time.... Again I say interesting........
Pair this with when he was over last week he looked at me and said "What are you going to do if I find a girlfriend." I told him I was pretty sure I'd survive it haha. Is he fishing? What in the world is going on in this guys head?
But I am thinking if he doesn't work New Year's Eve, I'm going to have to remind him of his text and tell him we should do something.
Thoughts? Help me out here.
Country Girl seeking.... New Year's Eve plans!
Do it! You dont' lose anything by asking and you also don't have to wonder about "what if . . ." you had actually asked him. The worst that happens is he says no or says he already has plans . . .