I glanced at this and realized 1. I haven't written in way too long 2. a LOT has happened since then!!
1. Jordan and I talked again after this post. A LOT. By and by I received the best appology ever complete with falling to his knees begging for forgiveness. Yup, I forgave him. We've been working on things and we've been very happy together lately. Today his moving his things back to college. Two more years to go. Saturday after my ex picks up Iz Jordan asked me to go help him move things and get settled in his apartment.
2. AHHHHH This is my last official day of summer break with Iz :( and I have SOOOOO much to do yet! We have a teacher work day on Monday, followed by Open House Monday night and school begins Tuesday morning. I have tons to do to get my classroom ready, but I don't want to forfeit my last day with Iz. I may try to sneak in an hour or two of work with her this afternoon and then go in on Sunday to finish up.
3. YAY I start school Monday and I have my own classroom!
4. OMG I have my own classroom.
5. I'm on a house search. I am beyond ready to have a place of my own and get on my own two feet again. (Away from my mother wouldn't be bad either!) I'm keeping an eye out as I'm working on saving up a down payment.
6. Despite all the nerves and the stress, I'm incredibly blessed and happy, and that my friends, feels incredible to be able to say :)