In the middle of June, I started to date again. My mom told me it was too early but I needed something to do to occupy my time. Actually my favorite quote was from one night when I was particuarlly upset because two guys I had asked to come out to a campfire said no. Mom's response, "Well, you DO have a lot of baggage AND a baby." Gee mom thanks for that pep talk.
Fast forward to now, I have a beautiful almost 2 year old, who is so smart and potty training herself! I have a 1/2 Title 1 job at the same elementary school. It's less hours than I had last year but nearly double the pay (I'm actually contracted now), and I have been dating a truely sweet, amazing man for a month now.Tonight Isabelle wouldn't go to sleep so I put Winne the Pooh in for us to watch. My bf came over to watch it with us, so we all sat on the couch. Izzy on my lap leaning on pillows and bf on the other side with his head on my shoulder. It truely felt amazing and as much as it terrifies me I was left wondering if this could be a foreshadowing of the future. (really honestly and truely, I'm try really hard to take this slow. And honestly and truely, it's super hard!)